

Journey 1: Travel on the monorail from Tachikawa and get off at Tachihi Station to enjoy access directly from the station.




<LaLaPort Tachikawa>
If you take the monorail from Tachikawa Station, you can enjoy views of Tama, with Mt. Fuji and the Southern Alps
visible to the west. Travel for five minutes on the monorail from Tachikawa and get off at Tachihi Station to enjoy access to LaLaPort Tachikawa directly from the station.

在立川站乘上单轨铁路列车,就能欣赏到西侧的富士山以及南阿尔卑斯山脉,也能一览多摩之景。从立川站乘坐单轨铁路列车 5 分钟,在立飞站下车,就能立刻到达立川 LaLaport 购物中心。

「ららぽーと立川」には、ファッション(GU、ZARA、LAURA ASHLEYなど)から雑貨(Afternoon Tea、3COINSなど)、スポーツ用品まで、まとめて買い物ができます。飲食店やフードコートも充実しています。

You can do your shopping for everything from fashion(GU, ZARA, LAURA ASHLEY etc..) through to sports goods and general merchandise(Afternoon Tea, 3COINS etc..), all in the one spot. LaLaPort is also complete with restaurants and a food court.

在这里你可以买到时装(GU, ZARA, LAURA ASHLEY等)、杂货(Afternoon Tea, 3COINS等)以及体育用品等,进行集中购物。餐厅及美食广场也鳞次栉比。



Journey 2: Travel on the monorail from Tachikawa, get off at Tamagawa-josui Station, and take the bus heading for Aeon Mall(get off at terminal)

旅程2:从立川站乘坐单轨铁路列车,在立川上水站下车,乘坐前往永旺梦乐城(AEON MALL)的公共汽车(在终点下车)



<Aeon Mall Musashimurayama>
Travel ten minutes on the monorail from Tachikawa, get off at Tamagawa-josui Station, and take the bus heading for Aeon Mall for about twenty minutes to get to this large-scale shopping center that also features a cinema.

<Aeon Mall Musashi村山>
从立川站乘坐单轨铁路列车 10 分钟,在立川上水站下车,乘坐前往永旺梦乐城(AEON MALL)的公共汽车约 20 分钟,就能到达拥有电影院的大型购物中心。

休日もゆったり買い物ができるためお勧めです。ファッション(H&M,EDDIEBAUERなど)、雑貨(100円ショッCAN DO、KIDDY LANDなど)、家庭用品、食料品、まで、何でも揃います。レストランやフードコートもあり、1日楽しめます。

I recommend Aeon Mall because it is a place you can enjoy relaxed shopping, even on holidays. It has everything from fashion to general merchandise (100 yen shops etc.), household goods, and food. With restaurants and a food court as well, you can enjoy a whole day here.

在这里,即使是休息日也能悠闲购物,所以我很推荐。这里有时装、杂货(百元店等)、家庭用品、食品等各个种类的商品。还有餐厅和美食广场,所以你可以在这里尽情玩乐 1 整天。